Highest Self Institute

Join the waitlist for our Spring 2024 Class!

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$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Rachael Sanderson – Salon Nirvana

After overcoming Health Issues and several different Life obstacles I challenged myself to find some clarity on the real meaning of Well being and Internal Beauty and I discovered what “Nirvana” really looks and feels like. so using the age old wisdom of Ayurveda, holisitic healing and plant based Medicine along with the Dharma coaching Modalities I can help you too to find your “Nirvana” and overcome mental and physical blocks, unveiling your very existence and searching within providing you with solutions adapted to your own personal needs, helping you to be the very best you can be.
On your journey of growth you will learn to explore your environment externally and Internally, allow for transformation and connect to your truth and your higher self and settle into spaces of new awareness and healing.
My coaching programs will accompany you on your path to ultimate health, peace of mind and Well Being!! Beauty starts within – Search Within
Salon Nirvana makes all the difference, Radiate from the Inside out.
Mind + Body + soul = Well-Being


I serve men and woman looking to re-connect, re-center and find their higher level of consciousness and Balance on their Journey to Well Being.


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