Highest Self Institute

Join the waitlist for our Spring 2024 Class!

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$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Holly Marcella

I teach women how to discover their true selves and fulfil their soul’s purpose on earth, using a combination of shamanism techniques, energy healing and spiritual coaching. Utilising your cosmic blueprint (astrological and human design information), we’ll work together to connect the dots between where you are, and where you want to go. Specialty I … Read more

Steph Ellen

I am a multi-passionate recovered perfectionist who empowers high-achieving women to overcome burnout, embrace their authenticity and create their dream life through mindset coaching and nervous system regulation tools. I am also a yoga teacher and an equine veterinarian – I don’t fit into a box and neither do you. I’m here to show you … Read more

Annette Boardman

Hi I’m Annette! I’m here to help you discover & step into your highest self & soul purpose. Through 1:1 coaching I will help you find your SOUL purpose here on earth. We’ll work through any challenges, limiting beliefs, fears and obstacles that are holding you back from reaching your truest & highest potential and … Read more

Heidi Liow

I help souls who have incarnated here on earth, feeling lost or stuck to remember and activate their unique soul gifts and purpose, using a mix of modalities including dharma blueprint, human design and intuitive practices. Specialty I help souls reprogram their fears, limiting beliefs, blockages and low self-esteem, gently guiding them towards a magical … Read more

Jacqui Divine

If you are feeling burnt-out, unfulfilled and stuck – let’s start planting the seeds today so you can create the future you deserve. I work with women who are disempowered, selfless, exhausted and being intuitively guided to change their life and claim something greater. If you are ready to commit to yourself and show up … Read more


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