Highest Self Institute

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Sarah McMinn

I support women who are struggling to find purpose. Using a variety of healing modalities in this 3 part method of unblocking, unearthing (purpose), and becoming (embodying our authentic selves), I help women return to their divine feminine and unlock the abundance inside of them. Specialty I help empower women as they return to their … Read more

Dana Lundy

I am an eternal soul that has spent most of my life asking the BIG questions like: Where do we come from? Where do we go when we die? Who am I? Do I matter? Why do I matter? It is from this search of knowledge that I have come to understand that we all … Read more

Jennifer M Ward

I help women who are newbies to Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine. Specialty I help young professionals navigate their health from mind, body, soul perspective.


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