Highest Self Institute

Join the waitlist for our Spring 2024 Class!

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$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Michelle Louise Stoner

I help women heal and shine from within by supporting them through deep healing to claim back their power and identity to show up as their true authentic self Specialty I support women through their inner healing to shine confidently and live with purpose

Jimena Amezquita

I empower women who are struggling with Self worth and Self love to manifest their dreams and connect to purpose by aligning with their true essence first. My methodology includes a mix between the Physical (3D) and Spiritual (5D) to help activate the body, energy, mind, intuition and soul to create transformation. Tools include traditional … Read more

Kai Simmonds

I elevate corporate professionals and entrepreneurs with overcoming anxiety, stress and burnout to restore balance in their life by aligning them to their soul purpose. I combine Soul Purpose Coaching. Mindfulness Practices and Human Design to help you remove your blocks and limiting beliefs and step fully into who you are. Specialty I elevate corporate … Read more


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