Highest Self Institute

Join the waitlist for our Spring 2024 Class!

Enjoy Early Bird Access!

$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Anna Stattmann

I help overwhelmed humans findig clarity on their life’s journey again by getting to know their truest and highest self and remembering WHY they are here. By connecting to their own intuition and their heart, life is going to feel in flow again. I will guide you through a soul aligned journey with my empathic attitude to find your answers in yourself. And always remember: life isn’t just surviving – it’s LIVING your best life with all the happy and exciting moments but also being thankful for the shitty ones. Going trough these will help you grow and you don’t need to go this path on your own! Let’s heal and grow together sunshine 🙂 So are you willing to transform yourself into the best version of YOU? I am!


I support YOU to connect deeper to YOUR inner truth and to live a life full of flow and soul alignment.


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