Highest Self Institute

Join the waitlist for our Spring 2024 Class!

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$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Hanna Korner

Hi there! Are you longing for a change? For something new? To explore your purpose, feel fully Alive and follow your dreams? It is possible! I guide growth oriented, ambitious women to make the shift from dream to reality possible, as a Soul Purpose & spiritual life coach combined with psychology. My method Aligned Psychology is an integrative approach based on intuitive coaching, psychology and grounded spirituality. I use a mix of neuroscience, positive psychology, embodiment & spiritual life coaching, to support ambitious women to upgrade their identity, expand and transform! My vision: To merge science & spirituality, and create a world where people have the confidence to follow and live a life aligned with their dreams. My mission: Making the shift from dream to reality accessible through proven methods. Upgrade your identity, create a new path and transform your life! I did it, I’ve seen others do it and I know it’s possible for you too. Let’s get really healthy mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially together!


I support growth oriented, ambitious women to feel fully Alive & Aligned with their purpose, to upgrade, expand and transform to the best version of self.


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