Highest Self Institute

Join the waitlist for our Spring 2024 Class!

Enjoy Early Bird Access!

$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Jessica Lacher

Welcome beautiful soul, I’m so glad you’ve found your way here.
I am Jess and I help young professionals that are facing their quarter life crisis to find back to their inner joy to finally be living in alignment with their soul purpose.
After going through my quarter life crisis, I have completely been shifting my life upside down and have learned how important it is to follow the path, that sparks most joy to you. After being in consulting and training for years, I am now supporting my clients through coaching on their journey towards more joy in their life.
In this context Human Design is a very supportive system of getting to know your unique energy better which is why a Human Design reading will always be included as one of the sessions.
I am looking forward to be chatting with you soul much, simply shoot me a message so we can get to know each other!


I help young professionals that feel stuck in their quarter life crisis after feeling burnt out.


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and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.