Highest Self Institute

Join the waitlist for our Spring 2024 Class!

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$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023


I help driven, caring, dedicated brilliant individuals discover and embrace their gifts for a life of true alignment and embodied purpose. In a grounding, understanding, supportive and safe space dedicated to you and rooted in Ayurveda, I hope to lead you to (re)discovering and trusting the beauty buried inside of you to grow and blossom into that powerful being that you are. To know which path to follow, embody your values everywhere you go and unleash your fullest potential. Check out my website lifedesignedbyyou.ca for more information


Individuals who dream of making this world a better place, find their sense of purpose in helping others, refuse to turn a blind eye to the many injustices in the world, finding themselves being taken advantage of, burnt out, feeling inadequate, alone. Wanting to find their way back to that Light that was so characteristic of them, a brilliant Soul craving for understanding, seeking tools to understand themselves on all levels and show up in this world the way they were born for


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