Highest Self Institute

Join the waitlist for our Spring 2024 Class!

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$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Maria Timpanaro

“I help divine beings who are ready to step into the highest expression of their soul purpose access their intuitive powers and joyfully bloom; soul-beings who want to confidently shine their light bright and unapologetically own their power as well as nourish their holistic self. I hold space for people who are committed to working through limiting beliefs and want to feel not only more expansive, abundant and empowered but also more grounded, balanced and supported. Through healing and grounding meditations, a range of sacred tools (somatics, visualisations and the chakra system to name a few) and my rich life experience (as a school teacher, as a yoga teacher and as an ever-evolving soul-being), I intuitively and sacredly guide people to work with their mind, body and, most importantly, to feel more connected to their soul and highest self. I help people alchemise their life and celebrate their glorious evolution.”


I help people who want to bravely change direction in their life, who want to feel more expansive and are ready to step into their sacred power; people who are curious, committed and open to blooming into the highest expression of their purpose.


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