Highest Self Institute

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$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Regina Arlene Miller

I help people of all genders who are in their 20s and 30s with discovering their purpose and creating a life that is in alignment with their soul purpose/dharma. I use the tools I have learned in the Dharma Coaching Institute program along with my lived experiences and my unique perspective developed from growing up in the Amish community till the age of 18. My super power is creating a safe and high vibrational space where you are able to see things from a different perspective and then use this new information to create a plan of action unique to you. I have spent the past 5 years creating an energy field that is so full of light and love. It is so healing and life giving to someone on their journey of self discovery and living in alignment with their soul’s purpose. I am especially drawn to working with clients who have a less mainstream upbringing since I can relate to you on a deeper soul level. Dharma/purpose, spirituality practices, habit stacking and navigating relationships are all things I focus on in my coaching sessions. I believe my ideal clients are out there and if you are feeling connected to the energy of my profile in any way please reach out to me via IG or email. Much Love, Regina Arlene


I help people of all genders in their 20’s or early 30’s to discover and create a life that is in alignment with their purpose.



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