Highest Self Institute

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Sophia Nunner

Nothing hurts more than denying the truth about you, who you really are and keep living in way too small boxes, pretending to be somebody or something you’re not. I help those travelers and seekers to live and finally experience what it means to live a truly blissful, fulfilling and rich life in all life … Read more

Anna Stattmann

I help overwhelmed humans findig clarity on their life’s journey again by getting to know their truest and highest self and remembering WHY they are here. By connecting to their own intuition and their heart, life is going to feel in flow again. I will guide you through a soul aligned journey with my empathic … Read more

Julia Pühringer

I love allowing my Energy Healing & Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as my Human Design Wisdom flow into my coaching sessions. Specialty I help unfulfilled humans, who are feeling frustrated or “lost” and overwhelmed in life, gain clarity on their Soul’ Purpose using the Dharma Discovery Method. So that life finally feels EXCITING again! … Read more


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