Highest Self Institute

Join the waitlist for our Spring 2024 Class!

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$500 Discount Expires on April 17, 2023

Pia Steiner

I support women in liberating themselves from shame and connecting to pleasure in every aspect of their lives, guilt free. Our minds carry knowledge but our bodies hold pure wisdom. During our time together you’ll learn how to understand your body and how to create a life in alignment to your truth. We’ll be using … Read more

Ana Clarisse Gehlhar

I help mostly women of color who are done with carrying shame, guilt and self-judgment due to different types of abuses and who no longer want to people-please or be that “good girl” with setting firm boundaries, expressing themselves unfuckwithably and living life with pleasure, purpose and passion by connecting them with their intuition and … Read more

Sophia Nunner

Nothing hurts more than denying the truth about you, who you really are and keep living in way too small boxes, pretending to be somebody or something you’re not. I help those travelers and seekers to live and finally experience what it means to live a truly blissful, fulfilling and rich life in all life … Read more

Anna Stattmann

I help overwhelmed humans findig clarity on their life’s journey again by getting to know their truest and highest self and remembering WHY they are here. By connecting to their own intuition and their heart, life is going to feel in flow again. I will guide you through a soul aligned journey with my empathic … Read more

Christin Freeman

I help women who feel disconnected, overwhelmed and lost to reclaim their power, tap into their innate wisdom and gifts using a combination of Soul purpose coaching and energy healing methods (including Emotion Code and Reiki). Specialty I help women remember and step into their power and inner light to live a life that feels … Read more

Irene Beatrice

I spent nearly two decades in the corporate world until I could no longer ignore my health issues and the whispers in my soul, that I had come here for something greater than spending my time in a 9-5. As a Life Purpose & Health Coach, I now help women who feel stuck and/or unfulfilled … Read more

Rahel Keller

Together we draw out what is your unique gift 🎁- you are ment to share with the world. Bringing Creativity and Joy inside our sessions, using 🎨 art therapy tools and reconnecting to the powerful support of our Angels. Specialty I help young and old souls finding more Joy and Ease in their daily routine … Read more

Pilar Scott

I am a multi-passioned soul with a deep curiosity and fascination for life and the human soul. Grief and play – as opposite as they may sound – have been my greatest teachers. As a licensed psychologist, yoga teacher and now life purpose coach, I offer a vast array of tools to guide you through … Read more

Vanessa Schmitt

I’m Vanessa, a former attorney and data protection consultant now career transformation coach and dharma coach. Leaving my former career was hard, it hurt and I felt I was betraying my parents and colleagues. But my body and soul were completely burnt out. I lost my creative, fun and happy side and got it all … Read more

Louisa Schaller

I help the young, wild and confused to learn to embrace the “mess”, step into their power and become who they truly are. Which will lead to discovering their purpose and their mission in this lifetime. I’m in my early twenties and I know what it feels like to be going through life and feeling … Read more


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